Israel/Palestinian Territories - Q&A - Extract from the press briefing (22 May 2024)


Q: Hello, are the French and Israeli foreign ministers meeting today, and if so, where and at what time, and what is planned for the press? Will they be speaking to the press, and how can we obtain accreditation?

A: The minister spoke with his Israeli counterpart this morning. We refer you to his tweet on that subject.

Q: On February 16, President Macron said that recognition of a Palestinian State was not taboo for France. Will the fact that other European nations such as Norway, Ireland and Spain – all EU partners – are making this leap potentially contribute to a shift in the French position or open discussions on this issue? And if so, what form might such discussions take?

A: Our position is clear: the recognition of Palestine is not taboo for France.

But that decision must be helpful – that is to say, it must lead to a significant political breakthrough. So it has to come at the right time, in order for there to be a “before” and “after.”

It isn’t just a symbolic question or a matter of political positioning; it’s a diplomatic tool to promote the two-state solution, with both states living side by side in peace and security.

France does not believe that the conditions are currently in place for such a decision to have a real impact on the process.